Journal of Finance and Accounting

Special Issue

Digital Transformation in Accounting: Challenges, Tools, and Development Areas

  • Submission Deadline: 1 April 2024
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Aly Shanan
About This Special Issue
In 1996, some companies rushed to take advantage of the World Wide Web, by selling directly to consumers instead of selling through merchant networks and obtained valuable insights into consumer behavior while browsing the website .In 2000, digitization began to be used on a larger scale as a principle and pretext for development and progress using information technology (IT), which increased the use of the Internet and information technology at all levels.
The dialogue surrounding digital transformation has gained increasing practical importance for policy, business and social issues, new changes in actual business approaches, effective opportunities for organizations in the business development process, with an impact on the internal and external efficiency of information systems, to name a few. Digital transformation has achieved more than $370 billion in corporate value in four years.
The special issue aims to explore the transformation of the global economy towards digital transformation and its impact on the development of the accounting profession, and improve the quality of accounting information in financial reports, and these goals will be achieved by providing an academic platform, innovative and expert participants to exchange ideas, experiences and visions by presenting a distinguished qualitative research paper that contributes to enhancing awareness of the new opportunities that digital transformation can provide.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. The role of digital transformation in improving the transparency of financial reports
  2. The role of digital transformation in supporting cost management tools
  3. The impact of applying digital transformation tools in supporting the quality of external auditing
  4. The role of digital transformation in activating financial engineering tools for commercial banks
  5. The role of digital transformation and enhancing banking services
  6. The impact of activating digital transformation in enhancing sustainability
  7. The role of digital transformation in supporting entrepreneurship and emerging projects
  8. The role of digital transformation in supporting governmental and non-profit organizations
  9. The impact of digital transformation in activating business intelligence in organizations
Lead Guest Editor
  • Aly Shanan

    Higher Institute of Administrative Sciences, Cairo, Egypt

Guest Editors
  • Mohamed Saleh

    Higher Institute of Administrative Sciences, Sadat Academy, Cairo, Egypt

  • Huda Metwaly

    Higher Institute of Administrative Sciences, Sadat Academy, Cairo, Egypt

  • Hoda Ramadan

    Department of Accounting/ Management , Canadian University, Cairo, Egypt

  • Mohamed Hashim

    Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Sadat academy, Cairo, Egypt

  • Mohamed Mohamed

    Higher Institute of Administrative Sciences, Cairo, Egypt

  • Mohamed Ismael

    Department of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

  • Yasmine Saber

    Higher Institute of Administrative Sciences, Cairo, Egypt

  • Marehan Mishel

    Higher Institute of Administrative Sciences, Cairo, Egypt