Social Sciences

Special Issue

Social Campaigns Against Financial Hegemony

  • Submission Deadline: 20 October 2020
  • Status: Submission Closed
  • Lead Guest Editor: Henrique Pereira
About This Special Issue
This issue addresses the question of the ways the hegemony of financial capitalism (financialization of economy), which is taking place worldwide since the 1970’s, is inflaming social and political campaigns against general capitalist order, in particular in countries/regions where a variety of diverse far-right, nationalist/xenophobic and authoritarian parties and factions are emerging.
The first point to be problematized is the manners how financial capitalism conglomerates have – partially – asphyxiated industrial economy, and – partially – complemented it. In general terms, a trend disconnecting financial assets from production may be detected, and this new feature of capitalism is discussed, jointly with its influence on governmental policies.
A series of factors contributing to the claimed turning point of capitalism that was allegedly reached in the 1970’s are put in perspective, as well as its evolution since then, involving globalization, manufacture transfer to underdeveloped countries and hyperbolic growth of services in developed countries like USA, EU and Australia, decrease of the importance of the so-called BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) in a first moment, and emergence of China as the unique rival of the USA, which adopted – from Trump’s election on – an egotistic general posture, that includes a nationalistic geo-strategy and a protectionist economic system.
The social impact of the above described evolution is stressed, discussing in particular gentrification of huge boroughs (both in central and peripheral areas) located in the main Cities of America and Europe, extinguishing their (reminiscent) communal life. On the other hand, such and impact led to the disruption of social balance in underdeveloped regions by ruining familial agriculture/craftsmanship/trade, intensifying economic and cultural inequalities, and boosting by the same token huge internal and external spontaneous ‘wild’ migration flows. Colonial traits of this impact are Southern Countries are disclosed, contributing to individualize their peculiarities in contrast with historical occurrences of a similar sort. A kind of ‘correlation coefficient’ measuring – through a Correspondence Analysis based fuzzy index – the association between the transition from manufacture to finance and the subjugation of lower classes or groups is quantitatively calculated, provided sufficient qualitative categorical data are available.
Case studies encompassing the relevant topics are encouraged; supporting through empirical data the views deployed in each paper, which may obviously include proposals for empowerment of subalterns, enhancing their target-specific campaigns and federate these into all-inclusive movements.

Aims and Scope:

  1. Financialization
  2. Far-right movements
  3. Globalization
  4. Protectionism
  5. Qualitative Variables
  6. Correspondence Analysis
  7. Campaigns
  8. Subalterns
  9. Federation
Lead Guest Editor
  • Henrique Pereira

    Civil Engineering Architecture and Natural Resources,University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

Guest Editors
  • Tuti Dharmawati

    Department of Accounting, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, Indonesia